Kiss Lotor Goodbye | VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDER Lotor keeps going in and out of the quintessence field.Lotor is quick to tell her that ?that witch is not my mother.Hearing them, Allura is quick to jump back.My feelings for you are true, and I know you have feels for me as well.They aboard the ship and head into the quintessence rift.She manages to impress Lotor by hiding from him in a deep cave.? Allura looks down, as if ashamed to even have brought it up.Soon in the field, another intense battle follows.Lotor encourages Allura to use her ability and see if anything ?calls out? to her.And for many of us prove of your intentions for peace.I never would have gotten here without you.Lotor and Allura are speaking of all the good work they've put into building their ship adn Allura is most happy about about being able to bring peace, something that her father tried to bring with Voltron all those years ago.Lotor loses his fight, while Allura wins hers.They come up to a graveyard of wrecked ships.As they're fling through, Allura is gazing that the quintessence on her fingers, she comments ? ? With that, he flies off.Allura shields Lotor with the compass stone, offering it as a gift.Lotor tells her, ?Our fathers were friends once, long ago.Allura has the idea to go in after him, her and others focus their energy, then use Voltron's sword to cut their way in.Throughout the fight Lotor is becoming more and more corrupted, Allura realizes this and tells the others they must get out.Lotor and Allura address the others of Oriande, a place once thought to be a myth.